May 31, 12:30 PM – Pot-Luck BBQ & Cleaning

We invite all those who enjoy the center to visit and share a pot-luck BBQ in the parking lot before we spend some time cleaning and caring for our space, next Sunday May 31 at 12:30 PM. Bring a dish or support our neighbor at Archer’s BBQ. We will have a grill...

May 3, 2015: LSLK Membership Meeting, 2:00 PM

Losel Shedrup Ling will have a membershipmeeting on Sunday, May 3, at 2:00 PM. Preliminary topics for discussion include: UT Sand Mandala at McClung Museum UT Hospital Chaplin Program Asian Fest Program for Beginners Gleaning and Service Opportunities Community...

Feb 6-8, 2015: Lama Dudjom Dorjee at LSLK

(If you would like to see a larger version ofthis flyer, click HERE) Please register for these important teachings by sendingan email to Tom Cleland at the sessions you plan to attend so wecan anticipate the attendance for this event.) You...

Saturday, Dec 6, 2014: Potluck Dinner & Movie

On Saturday, Dec 6, we will have a potluck dinner at LSLK starting at 7:00 pm,followed by our third movie night at LSLK starting at 8:00 pm! We will watch For the Benefit of All Beings: The ExtraordinaryLife of His Eminence Garchen Triptrul Rinpoche. For more...

Books for Newcomers to LSLK

LSLK would like get multiple copies of a few books so that peoplewho come to the center for the first time and are looking forinformation on Buddhism can take them for free. The books that we’d like to get are: B. Alan Wallace’s “Tibetan Buddhism from the...

Nov 14-16, 2014: Ajahn Punnadhammo at LSLK

(If you would like to see a larger version ofthis flyer, click HERE) There is no set admission fee for attending the sessions. Donations that are freely given to Losel Shedrup Ling andArrow River Forest Hermitage are encouragedand will be greatly...

Monday, Oct 27, 2014: Phillip Moffitt Teaching at Church of the Savior

Please note that the Monday Evening Meditation Group that meets at LSLK will be attending this teaching on Oct 27, 2014 and will not be meeting at LSLK as usual on this one evening. Many thanks to Ann Pendley and John Blackburn fororganizing this event at Church of...