Help us celebrate the New Year by donating to our new fundraiser for a Tibetan refugee family! Click on the Tibetan Refugee Building Fund to the right! We are planning events for the coming year and will post soon! Hoping to celebrate Losar in our new...
Please click here to see LSLK’sregular weekly schedule. We are especially happy to announce that Lama Karma will be teaching at LSLK on the first Sunday morning of the month and on Wednesday evenings (click here for more information on the Wednesday evening...
Insight Meditation SanghaEvery Monday7:00 pm – 8:30 pm For more information about the practices and goals of theMonday Evening Insight Meditation Sangha,click HERE. Open to practitioners of all levels. ~ Everyone’s welcome! ~
Tuesday Book Group7:30 pm – 9:00 pmWe are currently reading ‘The Dalai Lamas of Tibet’ and selections of ‘Guide to Bodhisattva’s Way of Life’ Click HERE for information about ‘The Dalai Lamas of Tibet’ and HERE for more...
Lama Karma offers teachings at LSLKevery Wednesday evening. Wednesdays6:30 pm – 8:00 pm This class is intended for practitioners of all levels and will feature readings from Gampopa’s Precious Ornament of Liberation. “This text has the power of a direct...
Chenrezig Weekly Chanting Practice Every Thursday6:30 pm – 7:30 pmMeditation & Group ChantingPractice of Chenrezig Sadhana Losel Shedrup Ling of Knoxville ( 5415-F Kingston Pike in the Bearden area of Knoxville(Click HERE for directions) Open...
GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS PSYCHO-DHARMA “Empty of an independent existence” means “We’re all in this TOGETHER” A weekend retreat to build a stronger foundation of harmony, mutual support and deeper trust, using the group action methods of psychodrama &...